Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

May, 13, 2012
Dear Grandma,
Happy Mother's Day!  We wish you could have been here with us to celebrate--we miss you so much.  Hard to believe that life continues to go on without you.  A lot has happened since you've been gone.  We miss having you here to share every little thing with us.  The Amazing Race just ended.  We missed snuggling up on your couch to watch it every Sunday.  Our favorite team didn't win--maybe next time.  Jaxon, Justus and mommy are just about done with the school year.  Jace is three years old and busier and crazier than ever.  Jett is 8 1/2 months old.  Everyone is in love with her chubby cheeks, legs and beautiful blue eyes.  She sure is missing out on one remarkable wardrobe--@#&* cancer!  We spoiled mommy for Mother's Day.  We gave her way too much!  She would have given anything she had to have just one more day with you--if not a day, just one hour.  We are trying to adjust to a new normal--slowly getting back into a new routine knowing that our lives will never be the same again--there will always be a void.  We hope you liked our balloons.
Miss you, Love you!
Forever and Always,
Jaxon, Justus, Jace and Jett

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

December 2011

Dear Grandma,
Wow!  December came and went even without you here.  To sum it up, "it was the best of times and it was the worst of times."  Bo and Melissa's wedding was beautiful--bittersweet to say the least.  Grandpa made it through.  He sure did miss you not only celebrating with Bo and Melissa, but celebrating your anniversary as well.  Mom told us that if we choose to get married in the winter months, she isn't coming--it was way too cold!  We think that she is serious:)

It was hard celebrating Christmas without you!  You made the holidays perfect.  There will always be a void that will never be filled.  Mom is trying her best, but it sure isn't the same.  Santa gave us a fun surprise--a trip to Disneyland.  We left Christmas morning along with aunt Melanie.  Brady surprised us too.  He came to Disneyland with us for a few days.  We got to stay for 5 magical days at the happiest place on earth.  We sure do wish you could have come with us.  We missed you.

The days just keep on coming.  Day by day is all we can do.  I think that we are all still in shock.  We miss you every second of every day.  It is hard to see everyone else's lives go on like normal when ours will never be the same.

We love you!
 "Forever and Always"
Jaxon, Justus, Jace, Jett